Thursday, July 19, 2012

Self Deception

On February 23 around 9:00 a.m. I became a true born again Christian. For a long long time I thought in my mind that I was already a Christian but I was only deceiving myself. I knew that there was something missing but I just couldn't figure out what it was. When I would study Gods word I would gain a head knowledge of Him but it would not fill the void in my heart. When this was happening I would question myself whether I was truly saved or not but I would let my mind convince my heart that I was. I believe that when I would study the Word of God He was actually prepping my heart to become a true child of God. On that particular morning I was reading a sermon from John MacArthur titled "How Firm Our Foundation" this is a sermon like the Roman Road. One that I have heard a lot but it never truly sunk into my heart until now and when it did it was like God turned a light switch on, it clicked! It hit me like a ton of bricks, I suddenly knew that I was not a Christian. I was gaining some head knowledge but was not growing spiritually and now I knew why. I had to do something about it right then. I got in my car drove down to see my father and told him what happened. From there I turned from my sin and myself and asked God to come into my heart and my life to be my King and my Savior! Let me tell you what a difference it has made in just a couple of days, all I want to do is read the bible or listen to a sermon. I can not get enough. My plea to you today is to do a self check on your heart. Make sure you are saved. Here are two sermons from John MacArthur to help you better understand what I mean.
I pray that God will use these messages to reveal His truths to you.

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